Don't Use shared_ptr's Aliasing Constructor

Published on Dec 28, 2022.

Shared pointers can be aliased. Say you have a person and a shared pointer to an instance of it:

struct person {
    int age;
    std::string name;

// ...

auto alice = std::make_shared<person>("Alice", 38);

… then you can make an aliased shared pointer to a Alice’s name which uses the same ref count as Alice:

std::shared_ptr<std::string> name(alice, &alice->name);
assert(alice.use_count() == name.use_count()); // single-threaded use only

It’s somewhat of a niche feature, but aliased shared pointers can be very useful for type erasure. I use them a lot.

Unfortunately the idiomatic way to create them, through the aliasing constructor, is dangerous and can lead to some pretty bizare issues and bugs.

Pop quiz: how do you check if a shared pointer is valid? Just like any other pointer you would use its boolean interface, like if (ptr), right?

I completely agree. In fact if I see a check like if (some_shared_ptr.use_count() == 0) in a code review, I would request this to be changed to if (some_shared_ptr). It is the idiomatic way of checking pointer validity, shared or other.

But what would happen to our aliased shared pointer name from above if alice is null and thus fails the boolean check at that point?

Well, with the exact same example from above this will be UB (&alice->name is UB if alice is null). In practice no compiler would dare touch the code, since it’s a popular way of creating a custom offsetof implementation and such exist in too many codebases, but let’s be pedantic and change the code to something more, ehm… “realistic”:

auto name_addr = &alice->name;
std::shared_ptr<std::string> name(alice, name_addr);

This is indeed too suspicious (though not necessarily a bug if we’re somehow sure that there are more references to alice elsewhere), but the exact same sequence of operations can theoretically happen without them being written right next to each other.1

So, if alice is null at that point, will name also be null? Nope. It will happily point to the now invalid address held by name_addr. Thus you will get a weird shared pointer which is not null, but whose use count is zero.

But why? As Peter Dimov, the creator of shared_ptr, put it: “it’s not shared_ptr’s job to ignore the arguments you give it because they are dangerous”. In this case however I disagree. I consider this a defect of the standard.

In a world where one accepts non-null shared pointers with a zero use count, the way to check for validity should be precisely the if (ptr.use_count() == 0) example from above. The one that wouldn’t pass a code review with me. And std::shared_ptr doesn’t even have a member expired like weak pointers do, only this overly verbose check does it.

Now granted, you can use this constructor to create an alias to something valid even though the “lifetime carrier” is null. For example:

std::shared_ptr<void> null;
std::shared_ptr<std::string> weirdo(null, &some_global_string_that_is_always_valid);

… and then the boolean checks will pass. This pointer will have a zero use count, but will also be valid forever.

I have not been able to think of a use-case for this. Not one. That of course is not to say that there is none. There probably is2, but it would be the niche of the niche. And I would definitely not use a shared pointer for this dangerous invariant. I would create a class which is somewhat similar to weak_ptr3. A class that has no boolean interface and no pointer interface, and has explicit checks for the underlying pointer and the expired status. I have not implemented such a class because I have no use case for it.

What I have implemented (yes, the whole four lines of it) is a safe function to create “normal” aliased shared pointers:

template <typename U, typename T>
std::shared_ptr<T> make_aliased(const std::shared_ptr<U>& owner, T* ptr) {
    if (owner.use_count() == 0) return {};
    return std::shared_ptr<T>(owner, ptr);

This function4 will never return a non-null shared pointer with a zero use count. I have banned the use the aliasing constructor where I have the power to do so in favor of this function. I urge you to do the same. This shared pointer invariant is an abomination and should not exist!

  1. Initially I just had the UB example in the post, but people seemed too distracted by it for the main point to get across. That’s why I added the more contrived non-UB example. In reality the UB one is far more likely to exist in the wild, and, as pointed out, no compiler would dare touch this type of null pointer offset. Maybe in 10 years. 

  2. …likely found in the comments 

  3. Similar to weak_ptr in terms of interface, and not in terms of functionality 

  4. Copied verbatim from itlib-make-ptr 

Tags: c++

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