Concepts, Partial Specialization, and Forward Declarations

Published on Feb 20, 2025.

I recently started using C++ concepts. Yes, it took me five years. Well, the main reason for avoiding them was the need to support older standards, but also, I didn’t see any particular need. The differences between concepts and “old-school” (say, enable_if-based) SFINAE are purely cosmetic. There is seemingly nothing which is possible with concepts and impossible with enable_if. Concepts are just syntax sugar. They make some things easier. Plus, they offer (arguably1) better error messages.

This One Thing Is Possible With Concepts, but Not With SFINAE

enable_if Fans Are Furious

Notice that I did say “seemingly”? Yes, there is one thing which makes concepts superior. There is one thing concepts allow you, which is impossible with pre-C++20 SFINAE. It is extensibility.

Say you have a simple template:

template <typename Mutex>
struct lock_guard {
    Mutex& m_mutex;
    lock_guard(Mutex& m) : m_mutex(m) { m_mutex.lock(); }
    ~lock_guard() { m_mutex.unlock(); }

… and now you want to make it work with MFC-style mutexes whose methods are called Lock and Unlock, capitalized. What can you do? You can specialize individually for all specific lockable classes you need, but that’s a lot of copy-pasted code. Had the author of lock_guard envisioned your need for extensibility, they could’ve created lock_guard like so:

template <typename Mutex, typename SFINAE_Hook = void>
struct lock_guard {
    Mutex& m_mutex;
    lock_guard(Mutex& m) : m_mutex(m) { m_mutex.lock(); }
    ~lock_guard() { m_mutex.unlock(); }

and now you can use partial specialization to make it work:

template <typename MFCMutex>
struct lock_guard<MFCMutex, std::enable_if_t<is_pascal_case_lockable_v<MFCMutex>>, void>> {
    MFCMutex& m_mutex;
    lock_guard(Mutex& m) : m_mutex(m) { m_mutex.Lock(); }
    ~lock_guard() { m_mutex.Unlock(); }

Without concepts one has to think and try to envision extension points like this one. With concepts one can just do:

template <lowercase_lockable Mutex>
struct lock_guard {
    Mutex& m_mutex;
    lock_guard(Mutex& m) : m_mutex(m) { m_mutex.lock(); }
    ~lock_guard() { m_mutex.unlock(); }

And this is both an extension point and prouduces nice1 compilation errors when something can’t be locked/unlocked like this.

“Wait”, I hear people saying, “I’m not the author of lock_guard! In this example the author of lock_guard ‘envisioned’ that it could be extended by constraining its argument with a concept, just like the author of lock_guard<Mutex, SFINAE_Hook> did.”

We’ve come to The Thing™: With concepts you can partially specialize existing templates with a single template argument.

Partially specialize single template argument? Yes, what used to be an oxymoron pre-C++20 is now a legitimate statement.

template <typename MFCMutex> requires pascal_case_lockable<MFCMutex>
struct lock_guard<MFCMutex> { ... };

Tada! This works with the initial example of lock_guard<Mutex>.

Now, granted, this is pretty niche. I don’t think I’ve ever had the need to partially adapt templates outside of my codebase in my entire career. In similar cases I’ve always been in a position to add the SFINAE hook if a template didn’t already have one.

So, OK. Let’s adopt the concepts everywhere mindset. If we are the author of lock_guard, why rely on partial specialization? Why not just define it as only valid for lowercase_lockable and leave it to users to extend their code with entirely new definitons if needed?

There’s a catch. With code written like this, you lose the ability to forward declare things.

With This One Trick You Lose the Ability to Forward Declare Things

People Who Care About Compilation Times Are Furious

Now, you can still forward declare the templates themselves. template <lowercase_lockable Mutex> struct lock_guard; is perfectly fine (well, as long as lowercase_lockable is defined), but templates are rarely forward declared. It’s much more common to forward declare the template arguments.

Here’s a use case:

template <typename T>
struct intrusive_shared_ptr {
    ~intrusive_shared_ptr() {
        if (m_obj)


class foo;
using foo_ptr = intrusive_shared_ptr<foo>;

You might be tempted, as I was, to constrain the T with concepts:

template <ref_countable T>
struct intrusive_shared_ptr { ... };

… but then our foo_ptr cannot be declared. foo is incomplete. An incomplete type does not satisfy the ref_countable concept.

Oh, well…

So the guideline I use now is:

For the sake of forward declarations, don’t constrain class template arguments, unless you speicifically know that they will not be forward declared

Do I still make use of concepts? Yes. I do prefer their error output, and I enjoy syntax sugar. Here’s how intrusive_shared_ptr looks following the guideline:

template <typename T> // T can be forward declared
struct intrusive_shared_ptr {
    static_assert(ref_countable<T>) // nice error message, thank you
    ~intrusive_shared_ptr() {
        if (m_obj)

As for the other example, I think lock_guard should definitely fall into the “I know its args won’t be forward declared” category. I would define it as template <lowercase_lockable Mutex>.

  1. There are abundant opinions on matter, of course. From “it doesn’t matter whether you see 20 lines of does not satisfy or 20 lines of instantiated from” to even “the verbose template error stack is infinitely more helpful”. I, for one, prefer the error messages from concepts.  2

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